Gift of Life Marrow Registry
Gift of Life Marrow Registry's mission is to ensure that every person in need can find a matching blood stem cell or marrow donor. Donors of diverse ethnic and genetic heritage are urgently needed to ensure that matching donors can be found for all.
Donation Process
Gift of Life Marrow Registry explains why blood stem cell and bone marrow donors are needed to help save patients; lives, and how to join the marrow registry by completing a cheek swab kit.
Donor Eligibility
Am I eligible to join the stem cell / bone marrow registry? Gift of Life provides a list of conditions that may prevent you from becoming a donor, plus a searchable database of such conditions.
Am I in the Registry
Am I already a member of Gift of Life Marrow Registry? On this page you can learn if you have already completed a swab kit and are part of the registry. The photo shows diverse young men and women sitting in chair and smiling, waiting to be called.
Donating for Research
Gift of Life Marrow Registry participates in research projects for the development of new cellular therapies. Registry members may be invited to donate white blood cells or other blood products to help create new cures and save more lives.
Family Resources
Gift of Life Marrow Registry supports blood cancer patients in their search for a matching blood stem cell or bone marrow donor. Learn more about how Gift of Life can help, as well as what the transplant process involves.